From shared experiences to shared knowledge and common solutions: collaborating to improve web-based tools in Latin America and the Caribbean


Having developed largely independently of each other, the GBIF nodes of the Latin America and Caribbean region have implemented different solutions for organizing and displaying biodiversity data and deploying related information services. This fragmented approach has often come with high costs, particularly in terms of supporting individual bespoke solutions.

To represent the region’s natural capital effectively in all its richness, the project team led by SiBBr (Sistema de Informação sobre a Biodiversidade Brasileira) will organize a workshop to explore their experience, capacity and challenges as they aim to exchange knowledge, methodologies and tools for sharing and using biodiversity data and information in the regional scenario.

For example, Brazil, Costa Rica and Argentina have each opted for customized Living Atlases, successfully deploying certain modules to facilitate data analysis and visualization. This approach, however, places specific demands on integrating national taxonomic databases and species information.

The project will encourage participants to address common issues together, such as

The workshop may also identify partnership opportunities for implementing common solutions that simplify data management and increase the national systems’ long-term sustainability. Such improved cooperation between the region’s nodes may also increase the confidence of both publishers and users of national information systems.


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Agenda & Resources