Atlas of Living Australia
Australia's biodiversity portal. Its Free and open source IT biodiversity software is used by all our community
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BioAtlas - Atlas bioraznolikosti Hrvatske
BioAtlas - Atlas bioraznolikosti Hrvatske is the central place to store and view data on Croatia's biodiversity
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Biodiversity Atlas Austria
Online platform for discovering Austria’s biodiversity
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Sistema Nacional de Información sobre Diversidad Biológica de Guatemala
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As GBIF nodes, one of our goals is to highlight our publishers and their data.
To achieve this, the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) developed a huge open source platform with several modules re-usable by other organizations.
Since 2013, the community around this tool has organized technical workshops to present ALA modules to other institutions that wanted to implement it, to improve already existing national data portals and to learn from each other’s achievements.
LA Management Committee
The LAMC is responsible for the global management of the LA community.
Read moreFor technical people
To evaluate the LA software and install and maintain a LA Portal is more easy than never.
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