Francophone mentoring and translation of the open-source ALA platform


Through the CESP program from GBIF, GBIF France has helped Canadensys to install and configure its own data portal based on Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) tools. One of the main goal of this partnership is to improve the documentation in English but also in French. By this way, the community will be open to French-speaking countries, espacially in Africa. During this workshop, we redefined all the documentation architecture and Fabien Cavière from GBIF France took the lead in order to improve this part in the community. Documentation is the key factor to make this community work.

This workshop has been founded by the CESP Project (CESP2017-0005).


Name Organization Country
Fabien Cavière GBIF France France
Jérémy Goimard Canadensys Canada
Marie-Elise Lecoq GBIF France France